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Men’s Hormone Optimization

Discover Balance, Wellness, and Vitality

Are you experiencing persistent fatigue, unexplained weight gain, or frustrating changes in your sex drive that leave you wondering about the state of your hormonal balance? We understand that hormonal imbalances can significantly impact your overall well-being. That’s why we’re here to provide a hormone optimization program designed to help you regain balance, vitality, and a renewed sense of self. 

Our Integrative Approach

At Forum Health, we champion a holistic and integrative approach to addressing hormonal imbalances in men. Our team of renowned functional medicine experts combines cutting-edge medical advancements with time-tested holistic practices. By delving into your individual health history, lifestyle, and genetic makeup, we guide you toward optimal hormonal balance. 

Signs of Hormonal Imbalance in Men

Hormonal imbalances in men can manifest in various ways, and the signs may vary depending on which hormones are affected. Common signs of hormonal imbalance in men include: 


Feeling tired and lethargic even after adequate rest is a common symptom of hormone imbalances. 


Hormonal disruptions can interfere with sleep patterns, leading to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

Hair Loss

Experiencing hair thinning or hair loss beyond the normal rate could be connected to hormone imbalances.

Increased Body Fat

Weight gain especially around the abdomen is linked to low testosterone levels.  


Overdevelopment or enlargement of breast tissue is linked to hormone imbalances.   

Erectile Dysfunction

Low testosterone levels have been linked to an inability to get and maintain an erection. 

Low Libido

Sex drive can be affected by unbalanced hormones. 

Muscle Loss

Loss of muscle mass and strength are signs of low testosterone.  

Mood Swings

Feelings of depression and anxiety correlate with imbalance.  

Brain Fog

Hormone fluctuations can cause trouble with focus and memory.  

It’s important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other health conditions, so it’s essential to consult with a Forum Health provider for a proper evaluation and diagnosis. Hormone testing and a comprehensive health assessment can help identify and address any underlying hormone imbalances effectively. 

Comprehensive Hormone Assessment

Before embarking on your treatment journey, we conduct a thorough and comprehensive hormone assessment.  

We also start with a set of basic tests that help us understand the main causes of health issues. These tests look at:

  • Allergies and Immune System Health
  • Nutrient Levels
  • Body’s Detox Process
  • Inflammation
  • Stress-Related Hormones
  • Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels
  • Cholesterol


Additionally, each program includes some special tests that are tailored to the specific health focus of that program. This in-depth evaluation enables our experts to identify any imbalances and design a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs

Forum Health’s Approach

Your body is unique, and so should be your treatment plan. Our expert physicians will craft a personalized program that targets the imbalances affecting your well-being. This tailored approach may include: 

Bio-identical Hormone Therapy

We use bio-identical hormones that closely resemble the body’s natural hormones, promoting safe and effective balance restoration.

Nutritional Guidance

Our providers will educate you on maintaining a hormone-supportive diet, helping optimize hormone levels through proper nutrition.

Lifestyle Modifications

Small lifestyle changes can lead to significant improvements. Our team will guide you through positive lifestyle modifications to enhance your overall well-being.


In some cases, targeted supplements may be recommended to support hormone balance and improve your health.

Expert Care and Support

Throughout your hormone imbalance treatment, our experienced team will provide ongoing support, guidance, and monitoring. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your health goals and will be by your side every step of the way. 

The Difference of High-End Care

We pride ourselves on delivering a high-end experience to our clients. From the moment you step into our office, you’ll be treated with the utmost care and respect. Our serene and inviting environment is designed to promote relaxation and rejuvenation, ensuring that you feel comfortable during every visit. 

Take the first step towards a healthier and more balanced life. Join our Men's Hormone Optimization Program today!


Recognize Symptoms: Pay attention to any signs or symptoms that may indicate a hormone imbalance, such as irregular periods, mood swings, fatigue, weight changes, etc. Keeping a symptom journal can be helpful. Consult with a Forum Health Professional: Schedule an appointment with a Forum Health provider who specializes in hormone health. They will run diagnostic tests to check your hormone levels.  
Hormone imbalances can lead to various disorders and health conditions due to the critical roles hormones play in regulating bodily functions. Here are some common disorders that can be caused or influenced by hormone imbalances:  Erectile Dysfunction, Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism, Adrenal Insufficiency, Infertility, and Andropause. 
"Hormonal belly" is a term often used to describe increased fat deposition and bloating in the abdominal area, which is believed to be influenced by hormonal imbalances. While the term is not a medical diagnosis, it highlights the connection between hormones and weight distribution, particularly in the midsection. 
Yes, stress can indeed cause hormonal imbalances in the body. When we experience stress, the body releases a hormone called cortisol as part of the "fight-or-flight" response. Cortisol helps us cope with stressful situations by increasing alertness and mobilizing energy reserves. While this is a natural and necessary response, chronic or prolonged stress can lead to imbalances in cortisol and other hormones, disrupting the body's normal function.  
When hormone levels are too high in the body, it can lead to a condition called hormone or endocrine imbalance. This imbalance can have various effects on different body systems and may cause a range of symptoms depending on the specific hormone involved. 


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No problem, our providers are accessible to
you no matter where you are.  

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Use the form below to request an appointment with one of our providers or to request more information. You will receive a call back from our team for scheduling.

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