Having Side Effects During a Detox?

Detoxing Too Fast Just as toxins can cause problems when entering your body, they can cause similar issues on their way out. If you detox too fast, or without the right support, you may reabsorb some old bacteria, toxins, and other decomposing chemicals. Why? It’s a tortoise vs the hare situation. The tortoise, in this […]
Join Forum Health’s Annual Group Detox by GDRx This April

Feeling bloated and sluggish? Struggling with weight loss, brain fog, and low energy? Spring is the perfect time to clear away toxins and renew after a long winter! Don’t do it alone! Join Forum Health’s Annual 10-day Group Detox by GDRx! Feel stronger and healthier with our medically supervised Gut Detox program to reset your […]
How to Incorporate Detoxing Into Your Day

If you’re looking for simple and easy ways to detox, Dr. Shilpa P. Saxena shares her secrets and personal habits to help rid your body of unwanted toxins.