Save Money and Gain Health Insights with Labs Direct

Forum Health offers its patients direct preferred pricing on lab work through its in-house program, Labs Direct. Tired of surprise bills, lack of coverage from your insurance or skipping out on important labs because of the cost? What if there was a better way to get your lab work without the hassle? With Forum Health, […]
Habits for a Healthier Life

Are you feeling dissatisfied with how your living and want to create healthier habits for a better life? Looking for alternative approaches to wellness through functional medicine? In this episode of The Lindsey Elmore Show, Dr. Shilpa Saxena shares her tips to cultivating a healthy, happy life including: The must-dos to head toward a healthier pathway How to take the first step into loving yourself […]
The Power of Feminine Energy and Social Connection in Health and Well-Being

How trusting your intuitive energy and group support can serve as powerful guides on your healing journey. Dr. Shilpa Saxena, Chief Medical Officer at Forum Health, is an international leader in the field of integrative and functional medicine, advocate for patient education and international educator. She is sought out by other physicians in the field of integrative and functional medicine […]